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The Filmmakers of 2024


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Nguyễn Công Thục Anh


Thục Anh is a young director who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Film Directing from the Hanoi Academy of Theatre and Cinema in 2023. She has worked as a production assistant and film crew secretary at VFC (Vietnam Television Film Production Center).

The short film “Có một Chòm sao” is Thục Anh’s graduation project and was officially nominated for the Golden Kite Awards 2023 - Vietnam Cinema Association. In the film, Thục Anh explores the character of a performing artist, telling a story of overcoming hardships with motivation from a love for the profession, love for life, and love for family. She aims to convey the message of the miraculous power of love and how it can provide the motivation to pursue our passions.

with the film “Có một Chòm sao”

(Opening film, Documentary)

The film is a narrative through the eyes of a daughter about her father’s ups and downs as an actor.

Hoàng Long


Hoàng Long studied two formal majors in Film Directing and Cinematic Effects in Vietnam. He then worked as a director, producer, and effects artist for many major film projects.
Since 2018, Hoàng Long has participated in many film projects as an On-set VFX Supervisor, such as “Em Và Trịnh,” “Thanh Sói,” “Đất Rừng Phương Nam,” and more.

Additionally, he has produced and directed many short films, some of which have won awards both domestically and internationally. His latest film, the historical short film “Ngô Vương Quyền,” in which he served as producer and screenwriter, has received praise from the press and filmmakers.

Currently, Hoàng Long is preparing for his first feature film.

with the film “Ngũ Cung Âm”

(Drama, “New New” section)


The lingering sadness of an old đàn kìm artist as he reminisces about a magnificent performance in the past where he lost his beloved right on stage.

Damien Đặng


Đặng Thanh Tùng (Damien) is a filmmaker living in Hanoi, Vietnam. Damien first approached filmmaking in cinema classes at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea. Though he never received formal training, he compensated by attending courses, working on independent film projects, reading books, and most importantly, watching a lot of films. Believing in the power of cinema to depict multi-layered, nuanced stories and create impact, Damien aims to create films that any audience can watch and empathize with while exploring new storytelling styles and techniques, contributing to pushing the art form’s expressive language further.

Returning to the role of film director after a long time in 2022, his latest short film, “A Confession,” won the Best Director award in the Independent Film Directing Skills course taught by Aaron Toronto at Trigger Film Academy. Currently, he is developing his next independent short film projects in Hanoi.

with the film “A Confession”

(Thriller, “New New” section)

A photographer welcomes an old friend into his home, but he seems to be hiding a secret he cannot share with this guest.

Nguyễn Thế Mạnh


Nguyễn Thế Mạnh is 28 years old and studied Film Directing at the Hanoi Academy of Theatre and Cinema. Currently, he is the Creative Director of Jadeite Vietnam Film Production Company based in Hanoi.

with the film “Empty Seat”

(Thriller, Experimental, “New New” section)

Đạt discovers a mysterious face staring at him in the cinema, leading to a series of strange events as all the audience members gradually turn to look at another lifeless face behind a woman.



Antus is a student of Film and Television Direction from the University of Theatre and Cinema Ho Chi Minh City. Throughout his studies, he has always strived to gain knowledge and is not afraid to experiment and create in search of his own filmmaking style. Among the works he has produced, the short film “Đến khi cái chết hàn gắn đôi ta” which he directed, was screened at the Xine Xem Fest 2022 Final Gala.

with the film “Dạo Chơi Trong Rừng”

(Thriller, Dark Comedy, “Less Less” section)


After entering a forest, two young men want to fight to the death over a girl.

Lý Minh Bá


Lý Minh Bá, a young filmmaker from Saigon, studied Film at Hoa Sen University and Film Direction at the University of Theatre and Cinema Ho Chi Minh City. He founded Blue Door Picture to produce independent films in Vietnam, exploring themes of family and personal reflection through deep life stories. His films are profoundly influenced by personal introspection and family emotions, exploring themes of loneliness, memory, and time, depicted through meaningful life stories.

with the film “Rừng Rù Rì”

(Drama, Family, “Less Less” section)


On a hot summer night, a 20-year-old man spends the night alone with an older woman, while the ringing of his father’s phone continuously interrupts. The young man’s hallucinations and reflections lead to mysterious discoveries about himself and life.

Trần Vũ Nhật Minh


Trần Vũ Nhật Minh, born in 1996 in Hanoi, has had a passion for cinema since childhood and began making films in 2022. He currently has three short films: “The Invisible Dance,” “Schrodinger,” and “The Tunnel,” with a fourth short film soon to be released. He has studied screenwriting, film criticism, acting, and feature film at the TPD Film Talent Development Center, and completed a filmmaking semester at Arena Multimedia with the graduation short film “Schrodinger” scoring 88 points and having been screened at Phòng Khách. Minh pursues screenwriting and began working as a freelance screenwriter in 2023. He aims to pursue a long-term career in filmmaking and hopes to produce many quality works to satisfy his artistic self.

with the film “The Tunnel”

(Mystery, Horror, “Less Less” section)


Two guys accidentally discover a forgotten camera in a basement and decide to find its owner… not expecting the unexpected journey that is about to happen.

Nguyễn Công Dũng


Nguyễn Công Dũng, born in 1995, graduated with a degree in Direction from the University of Theatre and Cinema Ho Chi Minh City in 2018. With over 10 years of experience and 7 short films produced, Dũng stands out with his simple, relatable style focused on the realism of life. His films have won many awards, most recently Best Audience Film at the 48H Film Festival 2020.

Dũng’s film “Busy” explores the ambiguity of the word “busy” in everyday communication, reflecting how people avoid caring for others by using the word “busy.” The film combines dark comedy and documentary style to present a simple, relatable story that everyone can see themselves in, in a realistic and interesting way.

with the film “Bận” (Busy)

(Drama, Comedy “Less Less” section)


A street thug, after scamming money from a student, wants to befriend him after both have gone through an adventure together.